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Musician Profile

Justin Plunkett and Elizabeth Klele

Passaic County

Band Name
Justin & Liz

Song Title
Do You Know

Music Lyrics


Do You Know


Do you know

What could happen to you?

The very first time

You pick up something new?


No matter what

Your friends make it seem

Being on drugs

Isn’t just a dream


Its something more

It’s a strange addiction

That always ends

Up in your conviction


Try so hard

To stay off that track

You don’t want

to end up like that

oh no no


(guitar break)


do you know

that your world will change

and you’ll only have

yourself to blame


no matter how

good it makes you feel

don’t go on

and make that deal


think ahead

to your hopes and dreams

how do drugs

fit in to your scheme



please don’t fall

into that trap

no one wants

your shameless act



you lost all that you could have become

friends, family, dreams, now you have none

how can you watch your life fall apart

you shouldn’t have done drugs from the start


was it worth

all those highs

that lead up

to your demise


try so hard

to stay off that track

you don’t want

to end up like that

oh no no

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Justin Plunkett and Elizabeth Klele are both high school sophomores.  Justin plays football and runs track.  He plays guitar, drums, piano and saxophone.  Liz plays field hockey and guitar and enjoys singing.

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