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Musician Profile

Meredith Stankus

Monmouth County

Song Title
You're Better Than This

Music Lyrics

you got high once and now thats all you want its the high you’ve been trying to find since the very first try but even in a crowded room you still feel alone cause the high can last for awhile but its not your home you’re better than this you’re better than the demons in the corners of your mind you’re better than the drug you’re better than the high that leaves you all alone i love you more than the drug ever will i love you more than the bottles and the pills i love you more than the high hold on hold on you’re better than this you’re better than the demons in the corners of your mind you’re better than the drug you’re better than the high that leaves you all alone i love you more than the drug ever will i love you more than the bottles and the pills i love you more than the high

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Meredith Stankus has been playing guitar for four years and songwriting has always been her passion. Her musical inspiration comes from Fleetwood Mac and one day she plans to pursue a career in music.

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