Music Lyrics
To whom this may concern: I'm past the point of no return I've lived I've learned I've been burned To the third degree Now there's nothing Left of me - I'll try to forgive But I'll never forget I'm consumed by regret The blame is on me I'm the cause of my own misery - Somewhere along this path I've crossed the line I'm lost With nothing left to find - It was all a lie How could I have been So ignorant So blind - It's not too late It's not too late - When the deck is stacked Set your goals like broken bones Because you're bound to meet the fold Truth be told I had my chance And this is your last - The choice is yours Change your course The world is yours - This is not what you deserve This is not what you deserve - Let live And learn fast The flight is not worth the crash You have a chance So you better think fast - You have time make it last - No need to dwell in the past - You have a choice And one mistake is all it takes - It's not too late It's not too late It's not too late