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Musician Profile

Ana DaSilva, Tyler Gonzalez, Lucas Alves Oliveira, Darwin Ruiz, Emmanuel Torres


Band Name
East Side Modern Music

Song Title

Music Lyrics

To whom this may concern: I'm past the point of no return I've lived I've learned I've been burned To the third degree Now there's nothing Left of me - I'll try to forgive But I'll never forget I'm consumed by regret The blame is on me I'm the cause of my own misery - Somewhere along this path I've crossed the line I'm lost With nothing left to find - It was all a lie How could I have been So ignorant So blind - It's not too late It's not too late - When the deck is stacked Set your goals like broken bones Because you're bound to meet the fold Truth be told I had my chance And this is your last - The choice is yours Change your course The world is yours - This is not what you deserve This is not what you deserve - Let live And learn fast The flight is not worth the crash You have a chance So you better think fast - You have time make it last - No need to dwell in the past - You have a choice And one mistake is all it takes - It's not too late It's not too late It's not too late

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The group, East Side Modern Music, hails from Essex County and is composed of five students who share the same passion for music. Together they have combined their talents to create original music and spread a positive message to all.

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