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Musician Profile

Sari Abolafia

Bergen County

Song Title
Where It Tells Me

Music Lyrics

straight A student at a party

“it’s just one time”

monday came to school tardy

bags under her eyes

are you okay

what happened to you yesterday

i don’t know

do i go the way that was planned for me

or do i go where this drink tells me?


friday comes she’s feeling real low

tries it again

didn’t feel as good as the first time

multiplies the dosage by ten

you look sick

I’m okay just trying to pick

my path from here

why should I go the way that was planned for me I think i'll go where this pill tells me.


its a month later

and she’s broke from buying

she starts to steal

gets headaches all the time

her grades falling

she asks herself is this even real

what happened to the girl i used to know

i think she got lost a long time ago

who gives a care about what was planned for me I’ll just go where this needle tells me.


she didn’t care about the warning signs

she’d see locked herself up and threw away the key

rest in peace

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Sari Abolafia plays piano, guitar and ukulele.  She looks to Ed Sheeran for inspiration and aspires to make a positive impact on the world through her music.  

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