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Musician Profile

Pamela Martinez

Somerset County

Song Title
The Aftermath

Music Lyrics

The Aftermath VERSE In the end of it all I knew what caused your fall Due to the thin white lines The world’s lost a life VERSE In the end of it all I was your friend I tried to help you From caving in CHORUS x2 Why did it have to be that way? Why didn’t I stay? (x2) VERSE Your family misses you They don’t know what was going on You told me you were moving so you’d stay home Didn’t pick up the phone- that’s when I knew something was wrong (variation) CHORUS x2 BRIDGE And no one thinks this could happen to them But it happened to you I’ll tell as many people as I can So they won’t end up like you… CHORUS x2

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I play piano, guitar and tenor saxophone. Along with performances in the school pep band and drama club, I am an independent composer, musician and singer. I aspire to be a music producer and inpsire others with my music and positive messages.

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