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Sia-Fanta Willie, Zaire Mims, Emma MacDuff, and Lukas Ferguson

Mercer County

Band Name

Song Title
Mary Jane

Music Lyrics

I need my Eden yeah I need something sweet And now my senses tell me it’s time to feed I can’t breath and my lungs are strained But I don’t care cause I got you Mary Jane Drain me till I can’t breath Thc in my blood stream I try to focus but I don’t feel alright Cause my addiction keeps me all night I wanna quit but I’m too weak to fight Mary Jane I think you ruined my life Drain me till I can’t breath Thc in my blood stream Drain me till I can’t breath Thc in my blood stream You were my downfall I wish I never took you at all Drain me till I can’t breath Thc in my blood stream

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