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Musician Profile

Christian Torres

Song Title

Music Lyrics


DON’T BE THAT GUY                                                                                                       


Verse one:

Brake out, away from all those hard ways drugs pay

Take back, the feeling of being free

Your life, can be getting that much stronger, longer

If you open your eyes and see

Pre chorus:

That because of it kids die, we try

To cover it with lies, disguise

That this is really their lives

We have to realize

We all know that crack kills, meth kills

Everybody wants bills, gets chills

When they see their friends die

They all cry inside


So don’t be that guy, don’t be that guy

The guy who dies and makes all of his friends cry

Don’t be that girl, no don’t be that girl

Cuz you can do so much good for this world

Verse 2:

Go out, enjoy the things of this life, no strife

Step up, a leader for all to see

It’s hard, but know you can overcome, be done

If you open your eyes and see

Pre chorus then end on chorus

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Most of Christian’s inspiration for his song came from a camp he attended in Camden, where he heard stories about the “drug life,” and learned how tough it is for the kids who can get caught up in it at a young age.  Christian’s interests include guitar, piano, singing, tennis writing songs and spending time with his friends and girlfriend.  His dream is to be a performer one day.

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