Ocean County teen to perform at drug prevention competition
April 26, 2018

Lily Targett of Long Beach Township, a freshman at Southern Regional High School, has been selected as a finalist in 14th annual New Jersey Shout Down Drugs Prevention Concert.
A Long Branch Township teen has been selected as a finalist performer in the annual "Shut Down Drugs" Prevention Concert, hosted by Partnership for a Drug-Free America.
Lilly Targett, a freshman at Southern Regional High School, will perform her original song "Don't Do It" at the concert event on Friday at the Daytop New Jersey in Mendham. The 18 finalists will compete for $10,000 in music contracts.
The statewide program is open to high school students and challenges them to create original music with lyrics against drug and alcohol use.
“Shout Down Drugs is unique because it allows young people to be peer leaders in a positive and creative way. It’s a wonderful opportunity for these teens to inspire their peers, as well as adults, with their passionate messages of substance use prevention.” said Partnership for a Drug-Free America Executive Director Angelo Valente.
The public can hear Targett's song and submit their votes until April 26 at