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Musician Profile

Sonia Rodriguez

Camden County

Song Title
Know the Consequences

Music Lyrics


Know the Consequences                                               


You wanna get high

You wanna get drunk

You gotta move on

You gatta be strong

They bringing you down

Don’t let them

Let’s take that step

And shout down drugs

(Verse 1)

Hey what’s the matter with you love?

Substituting the pain with these drugs

That ain’t helping at all cause at the end the problem still remains

So what you gonna do now?

What you gonna get high again?

And again and again man, what you gonna gain than?

You be acting like drugs is the solution

will bring some resolutions?

Man is all pure illusions


Do you know the consequences?

About these drugs and their addictions

They think is just a bunch of fiction

Man I try to warn but they don’t listen


(Verse 2)

Keep your head high up love

Let’s not give in on peer pressure and let’s treasure our lungs

Marijuana has no mercy on them and can give them long term effects

Heroin… most dangerous out there

Just one snort and death can become an outcome

And let’s not forget everyone’s party drink

Alcohol gets you drunk    

And messes with your brain


Do you know the consequences?

About these drugs and their addictions

They think is just a bunch of fiction

Man I try to warn but they don’t listen




We gotta Stay Above the influence stay above the influence (ohh-ooh)

Cuz before you know it you’ll be influence, know it you’ll be influence (ohh-ooh)

If you agree put your hands up high

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At a very young age Sonia felt like she was destined to be a performer.  Her passion for music has driven her to heights she has never experience before. At age 12, when she remembered the dusty piano in her basement, she started to teach herself to play piano. She uses her voice because she knows that when words fail music speaks.   Sonia has a bright future ahead with hopes of becoming an actress, model, dancer and continuing to inspire people with her music.

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