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Musician Profile

Faith Ali

Camden County

Song Title
Not Enough

Music Lyrics

Not Enough There's a boy who just wanted to escape and try to numb the pain his dad left him at a young age, so he never got over the pain so he turned to drugs instead to numb the thoughts inside his head but now he's broke and is living on the streets in a big city and lost all of his family When you think your not enough and the only escape is to give it all up, there's a healthy way to deal with your pain, it's not worth it to risk your life, on something that can ruin your life Say "no" next time, cause drugs can ruin your life, they can dull your light, drugs can ruin your life say "no" next time, say "no" next time cause drugs can ruin your life, they can dull your light, drugs can ruin your life say "no" next time, say "no" next time There's a girl who just wanted to be accepted so she said yes to fit in she wanted to go to college but didn't and she's working at a job she hates, her life completely changed When you think your not enough and the only escape is to give it all up, there's a healthy way to deal with your pain, it's not worth it to risk your life, on something that can ruin your life Say "no" next time, cause drugs can ruin your life, they can dull your light, drugs can ruin your life say "no" next time, say "no" next time cause drugs can ruin your life, they can dull your light, drugs can ruin your life say "no" next time, say "no" next time I know life is hard but you need to get through it in order to get out of it And be strong and deal with it cause it will get better I promise When you think your not enough and the only escape is to give it all up, there's a healthy way to deal with your pain, it's not worth it to risk your life, on something that can ruin your life Say "no" next time, cause drugs can ruin your life, they can dull your light, drugs can ruin your life say "no" next time, say "no" next time cause drugs can ruin your life, they can dull your light, drugs can ruin your life say "no" next time, say "no" next time

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I am 15 years old and I love to sing and write my own songs.  I play guitar and I’m always singing and dancing.

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