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Lauren Gomez & Meg Smith

Union County

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Bad Decisions/Bad Conditions

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Making bad decisions it will put you in some bad conditions (x3) Was it even worth it? Smoke some pot What was my last thought? I just forgot Is this just memory loss I start to toss and turn and toss and turn I didn't learn from D.A.R.E in school and now I look like the fool Nicotine, corrupted teens, just a short buzz Is it really worth, what it does? Causing future pain and it stunts the growth, of your brain Cigarettes, cause disease, to get through will not be an ease And don't get started on vaping jeez (x2) They both introduce toxins to your lungs Drugs will make you a mess They are illegal to possess If you are peer pressured, Don't say yes (x3) Drugs will make your grades bad And you'll lose all your friends It becomes about the next high And your life going by Drugs will make you a mess They are illegal to possess If you are peer pressured, don't say yes No one will be impressed When they make you all (x2) Depressed

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