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Jamar Nasir Felder

Atlantic County

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(Chorus) I got an aunt I’ll never see again Cous taking percs now he’s locked in the pen I ain’t no preacher but drugs are a sin Sad to see that they got help of my friends Fight your addiction man don’t let them win Hopefully that I can see TT again Hoping that drugs soon come to an end Spilling my heart while I take a stand (Verse 1) Aye Do you have an addiction Signed to the drugs like a contract Had a good life now your life has an impact Need your next fix and don’t know how to act Listen to me You can get help and get yourself clean Live you best life instead of drowning in lean Better your life instead being a feen Not trying to be harsh or rough I understand that the older we get life gets really rough Take a break not a puff We all feel alone sometimes and we all just wanna be loved But drug aren’t love We alway get curious But when we get curious it can be ridiculous But we shouldn’t go dive in a bottle of xans Because after that bottle you become a fan (Chorus) I got an aunt I’ll never see again Cous taking percs now he’s locked in the pen I ain’t no preacher but drugs are a sin Sad to see that they got help of my friends Fight your addiction man don’t let them win Hopefully that I can see TT again Hoping that drugs soon come to an end Spilling my heart while I take a stand (Verse 2) Did you know there’s 7 stages to drug abuse Did you that there can be normal use and risky use But any use is risky use You still take what you pick and choose As matter of fact Let me run you down a couple stages of drug abuse 1 First initiation Try your first drug thinking ok taking drugs feels right 2 Experimentation Taking drugs on its own making a impact on your life 3 Regular usage Then it’s gets risky the more that you’re using Now you’re addicted got a needle with fluid And snorting cocaine gets even more fluent And every single day it’s more drugs that you take You’re skin is getting darker Now you losing mad weight Getting down to the point where can’t take a break Stealing money from your mom because you just can’t wait Popping them pill ain’t a way to escape Only a body with bright yellow tape This is awareness that I’m trying to make And hopefully I can save someone the pain (Chorus) I got an aunt I’ll never see again Cous taking percs now he’s locked in the pen I ain’t no preacher but drugs are a sin Sad to see that they got help of my friends Fight your addiction man don’t let them win Hopefully that I can see TT again Hoping that drugs soon come to an end Spilling my heart while I take a stand I got an aunt I’ll never see again Cous taking percs now he’s locked in the pen I ain’t no preacher but drugs are a sin Sad to see that they got help of my friends Fight your addiction man don’t let them win Hopefully that I can see TT again Hoping that drugs soon come to an end Spilling my heart while I take a stand

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